Rim High Groups Receive Checks for their Work at 2016 Art & Wine Festival
At the ROWUSD school board meeting on October 20, 2016, board trustee and Rotarian Richard Lavin, and Rotarian Clark Hahne presented award checks for three Rim of the World High School groups that had worked at the 2016 Art and Wine Festival. Pictured left to right are Lavin, Principal Derek Swem, Athletic Director Scott Craft, and Hahne. The recipient groups were Boys Basketball ($500), Girls Basketball ($750), and Interact Club ($500). At separate presentations, Lake Arrowhead Rotary presented checks to the Rim Education Fund ($500), Mountain Bike Club ($2000), and the Wrestling Team ($3500).
In his remarks, Lavin emphasized that these are not gifts from Rotary, but money that the students had earned "by the sweat of their brows" in making the 2016 Art & Wine Festival a success.